Memorial Butterfly - F A Q
Do you guarantee your butterflies?
Yes! We guarantee that the butterflies you order from Added Touch Celebration, Inc. will arrive in time for your butterfly memorial or special event and that your butterflies will be alive and ready to take flight or we will give you a refund. Should a refund be required, simply return the butterflies in their original packaging within two weeks of the event date and we will send you a refund for those returned by company check.
Please note: We always include one extra butterfly per order, so that in the unusual event that one would perish during shipping you will still have all that you ordered. We ship your butterflies via overnight delivery to arrive the day before your event and require that someone be at the shipping address to receive the Butterflies. Should your butterflies be damage during shipping, please call us immediately so that we can attempt to replace your order. Should this not be possible, simply return the perished butterflies in their original packaging within two weeks and we will give you a refund for those returned.
If the package does not arrive in time for the event or in good condition due to shipping errors (they do happen occasionally) I will refund your money for returned Butterflies only if you contact Added Touch Celebration, Inc at 561-313-1450 within 90 minutes of the carrier’s committed delivery time, so that I can contact the shipper and attempt to get your package to its destination. Often the shippers can correct their mistakes if notified early in the day. If no attempt has been made to contact me, no refund will be made. (I will e-mail you the shipping information--carrier, tracking number and delivery commitment time on the day that we ship, please have this information available when you contact me.) Please remember that the carrier commitment time is a “by” which time the package is supposed to be delivered and the package may arrive at any time prior to the commitment time.
Important: Added Touch Celebration, Inc will not issue a refund under any circumstance unless the expired butterflies themselves are physically sent back to Added Touch Celebration, Inc at 6100 Southern Road South, West Palm Beach, FL 33415 within Two weeks of the event.
Please click here to Read our complete terms and conditions
How does a Butterfly Release Work?
After you place your order with Added Touch Celebration, Inc. either online or by phone you will be sent Confirmation by E-mail within 48 hours. Please review the information on your confirmation e-mail and verify that all information is correct.
We will ship fully developed Butterflies via Overnight Express to arrive the Day Before the Memorial, Funeral or special Event. The Butterflies will be resting soundly in the cool environment inside the insulated cooler designed especially to protect them during shipping. Each Farm-raised Butterfly is fed just prior to packaging and will be ready to take flight at just the right time.
Your responsibility will be to examine the Butterflies upon their arrival and then store the butterflies in a cool dark environment until it is time for their release.
To have an Individual Butterfly Release:
The envelopes containing the butterflies will be passed out to your participating guests at an appropriate time. Then at the time of your choosing, your guest will open their Butterfly Release envelopes and the vibrant Butterflies will emerge and fill the sky with color.
If you prefer to do a mass release:
Your Butterflies will need to be transferred into one of our "easy transfer" Mass Butterfly Release Boxes, a standard Mass Release box or a Butterfly Release Basket the morning of your Event.
Our "Easy Transfer" Mass Butterfly Release Boxes are the most User Friendly available.
There is no need to worry ...
Each Farm-raised butterfly is fed and exercised just prior to packaging and will be eager to fly when released. All we ask is that you keep your Butterflies in a cool dark place until just prior to your Butterfly Release.
Full instructions specific to your Butterfly Release plans will be included with the shipment.
Is it OK to Release Farm raised Butterflies into the environment?
In the last 32 years, Insect Lore has shipped out over 8 million Painted Lady larvae; and The Monarch Watch Program ( as shipped 250,000 Monarch larvae in the last 8 years. No damage to local butterfly populations or to the environment has been reported as a result of this livestock being sold, raised and released. The Experts in the field have found no scientific evidence that supports any of the early concerns that NABA had in regards to the Releasing of Farm Raised Butterflies. In addition to other guidelines the USDA issues permits for the interstate shipment of Butterflies to areas in which the species shipped is naturally occurring. Please click here to see What the Experts have to say about the Release of Live Butterflies.
How do I order my Butterflies?
You may order online by clicking on Check out and filling out all fields or you may call us at 561-856-5936. Please call to check availability if your event is in the next seven days. If you prefer to use E-Mail: Our Address is
When should I order my Butterflies?
We reserve your butterflies by availability on a first come first serve basis. To avoid disappointment it would be best to order your butterflies about two months prior to your event. However, we can usually accommodate late and last minute orders.
What if I need to change my order?
We will do everything that we can to accommodate any changes that you may have in your plans. If there is a change in your plans please call us as soon as possible, so that we can better work with you. If you need to cancel your order, we will give you a refund minus a 10% handling charge, as long as you cancel your order at least 2 weeks before your event. In the event that it be forecasted that the weather in your area will be too cold (below 60 degrees Fahrenheit) for a butterfly release we will also give you a refund, as long as you inform us at least four days prior to your event date.
How many butterflies should I order?
This depends on the presentation that you desire. When passing the Butterflies out for guests to release one per participant will be required. When doing a mass release the average order is around 1 butterfly for every two guests. If you are planning to display your butterflies, you will need to consider the size of the enclosure that you are using.
What are the different Types of Butterfly Releases?
Using a display cage: There are many types of display cages available. The butterflies need to be gently transferred from the shipping envelopes into the cage. The cage should be able to accommodate the number of butterflies you have ordered. Once inside the display cage, the butterflies will need to be feed by placing a cotton ball that has been soaked with Gatorade or sugar water at the bottom of the cage. If it is a warm day the butterflies will also need to be misted. Bring a spray bottle full of water and give them a spray through the netting every 30 minutes or so. Place the butterflies in a warm, sunny area to energize. Never place them in the direct sunlight.
Using a mass release box: The envelopes can be opened and the butterflies placed inside a release box. Be sure to put some paper toweling on the bottom of the box so the butterflies have something to hang onto. Place a damp folded paper towel on the bottom of the box. Try to keep the lid of the box adjusted so the butterflies cannot take flight from your hand while you are opening the envelopes. This can best be accomplished in a dark, cool room and having a large piece of tulle available to cover the box opening while you are transferring the butterflies from the shipping envelopes to the box. If the butterflies do take flight, they will head for the sun or brightest light. Gently cup your hand over the butterfly and place it in the box. When all butterflies have been placed inside the box, close the lid. You may wish to place the tulle netting over the box (under the lid) so the butterflies can be seen with little chance of their escaping. The butterflies will rest for many hours in this box. Prior to the release, place the box in an area of warmth for at least an hour. However, do not overheat, as there may be no ventilation in your release box. Never place the box in direct sunlight.
Using individual release envelopes: If you are releasing from the shipping envelopes, place the envelopes in a basket and distribute them to your friends and family from the basket. The envelopes are easily opened and if the butterflies are warm enough, they will take flight. If they have not been warmed sufficiently, the butterflies may take a while to actually begin their flights.
When can I release my butterflies?
There should be at least an hour of daylight left. This will allow sufficient time for them to nectar (eat) and find a safe place to hide for the night. The temperature needs to be above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Monarch Butterflies will not take flight if their body temperature is below 60 degrees. If the temperature takes a slight dip you can still have your butterfly release. Simply you’re your butterflies indoors above 70 degrees until you release them. Hold your release in an area protected from the wind, or they will quickly disappear! A sunny, warm, flower-filled area or garden is best. The butterflies' first flight is usually very short, and they will instinctively fly toward the brightest object -- this is often people wearing bright colors -- or towards flowers and bouquets.
How do you ship your butterflies?
All of our butterflies are hand fed and put into individual glassine envelopes. We then place them in an insulated shipping box with a "cold pack". The cold dark climate within the box puts the butterflies into a sleep like state. While they are resting we ship them via overnight delivery.
How do I care for my butterflies?
Your butterflies need to be kept away from heat, so it is important that someone is home to receive the butterflies. It is also critical that you keep them in a cool environment until it is time for their release. Your butterflies have been fed just prior to shipping and will not require feeding prior to their release. When they arrive, simply examine them for damage that may have occurred during shipping (notify Added Touch Celebration, Inc immediately if you find a problem), then place the lid back on the cooler and keep the butterflies in a cool dark place. A list of helpful hints and further instructions on the care of your butterflies will accompany your order. If it is necessary to transfer your butterflies we will send you clear and concise instructions.
How long do the Monarch Butterflies live?
Monarch Butterflies normally live from 2-4 weeks. However, over wintering Monarch Butterflies can live up to 8 or 9 months!
How do Live Butterflies survive when boxed up?
The cool temperature in the shipping box puts the butterflies into a restful and comfortable sleep like state. While in this simulated "over wintering" state they do not need to eat and require very little air.
How does temperature affect Monarch Butterflies?
Since Butterflies are "cold-blooded" animals, when they are cold, they are slow and unresponsive. As Butterflies warm up they become active and readily take flight. The minimum temperature for Monarch Butterflies to take flight is 60 degrees, so it needs to be warm to have a Butterfly Release!
What happens to the Butterflies after the Butterfly Release?
The Butterflies will go out in search of nectar plants on which the will feed. Monarch Butterflies are migratory and have the ability to travel thousands of miles. They will search out Milkweed, which is their host plant, and go about their business of reproduction. Monarch Butterflies that are released in the fall will migrate to various over-wintering sites, and possibly return in the spring.
Do Monarch Butterflies stay around after the release?
Yes! Hand raised Monarch Butterflies are very friendly. They aren't preyed upon as much as other Butterflies because their bodies contain toxins that may make potential predators sick. They interact well with people. A Monarch Butterfly may even let you pick him up.
How can I get good photos of Live Butterflies?
Butterflies are cold-blooded animals and thus become slow and docile when their body temperature gets below 60 degrees F. By placing the Butterflies still in their boxes into the refrigerator for 20 minutes you can bring down their body temperature sufficiently to slow their reactions and movement. The Butterflies can then be place onto wedding bouquets, wedding gowns, or where ever you desire. You will have about 30 seconds to snap you photo before the butterflies will become active enough to fly. As the Butterflies warm up, they will slowly open and close their wings creating an ideal opportunity for pictures.
Please Note:
The temperature must be at least 62°F for Monarch Butterflies to take flight. Check here to view the average daily temperature in the town where your Butterfly Wedding Release will take place.
The USDA regulates the interstate shipment of Live
Monarch Butterflies. We can only ship Our Monarch Butterflies to States East of the Continental Divide (Rocky Mountains).
It is unlawful to ship Monarch Butterflies to states West of the
continental divide.
Click Here for a Map of the Continental Divide

More Added Touch Celebration, Inc. web sites
The butterfly release family of websites: Monarch Butterfly, Butterfly Release, Memorial, Funeral and Funeral Butterflycom. A Butterfly release will add an unforgettable touch to any occasion. A Live butterfly releases will transcend your wedding guests. The live butterflies will add hope and comfort for any funeral or memorial occasion. We are the most comprehensive butterfly release source on the web. Let us provide the butterfly release of your dreams!
All transactions are subject to Added Touch Celebration, Inc. terms and conditions of sale. Please click here to read.